Available Services
Family & Care Partners

Laura offers an initial 30 minute consultation free of charge to a family member of a person living with dementia, or for a person living with the disease.
This would consist of discussing the trainings and support Laura might offer for families and care partners to assist in successfully creating an environment that allows for the greatest opportunities for engagement and new relationships to be formed between everyone involved with each individual situation.
$100.00 for 1st hour
$50.00 per hour rest of visit.
ODL will work with families around the cost of trainings.

Monthly Support Group
Support is key to staying as healthy and able as one can during times of being a care partner or family member of anyone living with a disease such as dementia.
Laura offers a monthly Caregiver Support Group via zoom (at the moment) on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at noon.
If you would like to join the group, please contact Laura for the link. This group is already established, and there are adult children of parents living with dementia as well as spouses of persons living with dementia.
Please do not hesitate to join us.

Engagement Training
Once a person is diagnosed with any dementia, often times it is almost immediate that people want to "help" by taking over everything for them, and not allowing them to continue to do for others.
This workshop helps families and care partners understand the importance of engaging your family member in ways that are meaningful and which allows him/her to feel like they are still contributing to their own surroundings as well as the greater community.
This workshop is available for family members and care partners
2 hour workshop
ODL will work with families around cost of trainings.
(This workshop would take place in your home.)

Care for the Caregiver Program
It is true what they say on an airplane when talking about saving yourself first in the case of an emergency, and that if you do not, you can't save anyone else.
The same is true with regard to being a care partner or caregiver. If you do not look at how you are caring for yourself, you can become frustrated easily, burnt out, angry and depressed all without even realizing the change in yourself.
Our Care for the Caregiver program is all about you. It's taking a look at what is happening in your life and finding ways to help you cope with the challenges that are specific to you and your needs.
This program offers a free assessment with Laura which will take approximately 1 hour of your time.

Tips and Techniques
​Tips and Techniques are offered to assist in more successful ways to offer personal care or interventions with your loved one.
Learn how to make a connection before approaching, how to do with and not to a person, how to better understand what is happening in the brain of a person living with dementia and ways you can communicate for a more favorable outcome.
This session is available for family members and care partners
ODL will work with families around cost of trainings.
(This workshop would take place in your home.)

Therapeutic Art for you or them or both
Art can take you away for a little while, and can free your mind. There are several art programs offered for either both of you or you and your family, or strictly dementia related.
For you:
Therapeutic Art Journaling
Zen-doodling for serenity/calm
Journal Prompts & chats
Card Making
Alcohol Ink
and much more
For your loved one, I offer a variety of artistic outlets that are geared to be successful for all states of the disease.
Prices vary, contact Laura with any questions.